Sunday, June 29, 2014


It's pretty simple to make. Buy any stretchy material and you will need to measure it to be the right length to go around your head when it is folded and twisted. You'll see what I mean...

The width of my headbands were about 6 inches. It is NOT perfect or straight, I just eye balled it and cut, not much measuring. 

So then I got the ends together and stitched a zigzag stitch across on my sewing machine real quick. 

After you do that, turn that inside out and you should have a really long piece of fabric like this. Now I'll show you how you put it on...

Hold it both hands like this.

Twist your wrist around one complete twist or else it won't work. 

Bring the two ends in your hands together like this.

You should have a headband now and you should be able to see the cool twisty looking part.
Make sure that twisty is in the front and stretch that over your head.

Fix it a little.

All done!

Same thing for the orange one. The orange one was a little bit longer though because the material wasn't as stretchy. It just depends on how stretchy your material is. 

And here's me modeling the orange one!

...And my sister!

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